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Bondage Art – Full Day shibari workshops focused on self-tying – FIRST TIME IN BURGDORF!

Tickets -> https://eventfrog.ch/RopeAutonomy

“Practice the basics as if they were advanced. That’s the key to advancing.” – Pina Bausch

Self-tying is an art that combines many different disciplines into one physical expression.

Dance, rope bondage, art installation, yoga, study of oneself – all of these for the core, but there is much more that can be included in shibari bondage and the art of self-tying. There are as many different forms of bondage, as there are individuals who practice this form of art.

To learn shibari or self-tying we need to be aware of our own body’s strengths and weaknesses. During these classes I will try to share as much of my personal experience as possible: from the time when I was a rope-model and about 12+ years of my self-tying and self-suspension journey.

My aim during this self-tying session is to enable you to tie yourself safely, independently and with confidence.

1st Part of the Workshops

1) To begin with, we will have an open – but safe – discussion about our bodies. This will include having a chat about our lifestyles (e.g. sport you might be training, desk-job, dance, injuries etc.). I will introduce myself too and share with you shortly my journey into the ropes.

I would also love to understand why you are interested in learning self-tying. By knowing the reasons for your interest in this activity, I will be able to adjust my knowledge to suit the individual needs of each participant.
I will try to encourage you to take part in this discussion, as I believe that this will be very important and beneficial for your future exploration in this field.

Be it that you would like to perform on the stage in the future, do this to explore your own strengths or just try something completely different to what you were doing before – no reason is more or less significant than another – you are all valued and your reasons for coming to this class will be respected.

We will discuss different types of ropes and try to choose/understand which one is best for specific needs (such as water bondage, decorative ties, heavy suspensions etc).

2) Practical Part

  • Preparing your body for self-tying (warm ups, stretching, conditioning)
  • Basics and more intermediate shibari ties, such as:

· single column tie

· connecting ropes for continues structured ties

· half hip-harness and its variations

3) At the end of this section of the workshops we will polish the ties we’ve learned. There will be space and time for questions. I am also more than happy to do practice with you all during the lunch break (if we find time and space).

(Feel free to ask me any questions in regards to ropes during this time!)

2nd Part of the Workshops

1) At the beginning of the 2nd part we will have space and time for questions and answers – please feel free to ask me anything related to ropes.

2) Following health and safety precautions for self-tying, and basic anatomy knowledge as well as having good awareness of your own body we will proceed to learn new ties:

  • Chest harness – decorative ties or practical ones
  • Improvised Mermaid tie
  • Futumomo or Feet tie

3) At the end workshops we will repeat ties that we’ve learned from the beginning. There will be space and time for questions. After repetition of the above mentioned ties we will then proceed to combining them.

4) If time allows, we will have a go at the improvised moves and finding your own shibari language with ropes.

If you are unsure about your level, or if this workshops is suitable for you, or with any other enquiries please email me at skinnyredhead@wp.pl.

Level: Advanced, Beginner & Intermediate

Leaders: skinnyredhead@wp.pl



Please wear comfortable clothes that enable you to move freely and won’t get caught by rope.
I would suggest something close to your skin such as leggings for bottom part of your body, or shorts so you can tie directly on your skin, and maybe tighter tops/t-shirt for upper body. I would recommend not to wear black clothing (if it’s precious to you) because it will definitely get covered in rope fluff during the workshops.


Please bring water and snacks if you need to munch a little during the session (just nothing messy please).
If you take medication during the day, please bring it with you too.
Please bring your own ropes. Number of ropes depends on the size and shape of your body. For example I am 165cm tall, have athletic built, weight 56kg and for full complex body tie (hip harness, chest harness, leg tie) I would use 5-7 ropes 8m long, 6mm thick. If you need advice on how many ropes to bring, please email me at skinnyredhead@wp.pl


You will be gifted:

->one piece of original Japanese Ogawa Jute Rope (6mm diameter, 8 meters long)
->safety shears
->printed information about safety in bondage (nerves info, injury prevention etc.)
->printed information how to care for your ropes so they will last you a long time

All of the above you will take home with you.

If you have any questions please email me at skinnyredhead@skinnyredhead

Link to book your ticket -> https://eventfrog.ch/RopeAutonomy